Vanessa Hughes is a board member and the president of the board at Breaking Code Silence, a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Dr. Vanessa Hughes is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Well Coached Life LLC in Claremont, California.
Vanessa Hughes, an individual; Hughes sometimes uses the following aliases:
Vanessa Ramich Hughes, PhD, MA, MFT, MAICS, MAT, SEP
Vanessa Hughes, PhD, MA, MFT, MAICS, MAT, SEP
Dr. Vanessa Hughes
Dr Vanessa Hughes
Vanessa Teresa Hughes
Jenny Magill and Dr. Apryl Alexander are also board members of Breaking Code Silence, along with Vanessa Hughes.
From her Well Coached Life website based in Claremont California,, Vanessa Hughes is a pastors wife over 16 years and appears to like Pottery Barn.